As promised, here is the custom kettlebell workout for golfers that kettlebell guru Michael Skogg created for you.
If you missed Michael’s interview, you NEED to listen to it. He covers a lot of great info that is specific to golfers… click here to listen to the interview.
There’s a TON of gems in this interview, and I’m really proud of how it turned out. My goal was to answer all of the questions you might have concerning kettlebells and get you as fired up about them as I am!
At any rate, let’s get into the meat of this blog article… a golf specific kettlebell circuit… in fact, two circuits.
A Word of Warning
I recommend starting with a lighter bell, even if you are experienced. Focus on form OVER sweat. What I mean is… don’t sacrifice form under any circumstance. If you can not properly perform a repetition, STOP. You can lower the weight or just stop until you perform this workout again.
If you are injured because you get crazy from using improper form, you probably will sideline your golf game as well. So let’s not get all Macho Man Randy Savage and jump off the top rope…
What Weight Should I Use?
If you are new to kettlebells, Michael and I recommend you start out with the following kettlebell weights…
Men: 12kg (26 pounds)
Women: 8kg (17 pounds)
Skogg’s Kettlebell Golf Circuit
You will be performing each circuit a total of 2-minutes. Each exercise is to be done with a single hand (right or left) for 30 seconds total. Then proceed to the next exercise.
For example, you will do the Snatch with your right hand for 30 seconds. At the end of that time, you will switch to the figure-8 with a hold with your right hand for 30 seconds.
Once you are done with your right hand, you start with the left on the snatch… then on to the figure 8. The circuit will take you 2-minutes to complete… then rest 1-minute and perform again.
I’ve added some levels below based on your current condition level. I recommend that most of you start with level 1 if you have never used a kettlebell before or are not currently training consistently with a bell. Level 2 is really challenging and I GUARANTEE it’s going to smoke your core!
Level 1: 12 total minutes counting activity and rest periods.
Level 2: 26 total minutes counting activity and rest periods.
A1) Body Circles to the right x 1 minute
A2) Body Circles to the left x 1 minute
The Workout
B1) Snatch (right hand) x 30 seconds
B2) Figure-8 With a Hold (*start with right hand) x 30 seconds
B3) Snatch (left hand) x 30 seconds
B4) Figure-8 With a Hold (*start with left hand) x 30 seconds
Level 1: Rest 1-minute and repeat once more.
Level 2: Rest 1-minute per circuit and repeat 3 total times.
*NOTE: Figure 8’s are a fluid movement that move smoothly from the right hand to the left hand during the pass between the legs. This ensures a nice flow… almost like you are dancing with your kettlebell.
C1) Circle Clean (right hand) x 30 Seconds
C2) Kettlebell Popup (right hand) x 30 Seconds
C1) Circle Clean (left hand) x 30 Seconds
C2) Kettlebell Popup (left hand) x 30 Seconds
Level 1: Rest 1-minute and repeat once more.
Level 2: Rest 1-minute per circuit and repeat 3 total times.
And I’m sure some of you won’t have any idea what the exercises above even are.. so here are some YouTube videos that will teach you proper form on all of these. I tried to find Michael for most of these, but some did not exist. So I found another kettlebell expert with good instruction on the form.
Body Circles
Kettlebell Snatch
Kettlebell Figure 8 with Hold
Kettlebell Circle Clean
Kettlebell Popup
Chris “level 2 smoked my core” Henning
P.S. Let me know if you like this type of content and interviews… I certainly enjoyed bringing it to you and I know Michael was pumped about exposing the golf world to this old world strongman tool.
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