Golf Fitness At Home 14
Top 10 Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving (plus a workout)
This week you’re going to get an amazing “Top Ten Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving“. But first, I have a special announcement to make concerning my annual Toys for Tots Drive. Last year, thanks to you, we raised over $1000 for Toys for Tots. My goal this year is $3,000. Here’s some of the haul we brought in last year […]
8-minute workout PROVEN 4X better than 30-minutes of cardio
I did this short workout in my home gym yesterday. Even though it was just 67 degrees Fahrenheit in there, sweat was pouring off me after just a few minutes. The key repeating exercise I built in has to be the best one of all time… In fact, it’s the best conditioning move you can do… […]
3 Progressive Core Exercises to Strengthen Your Midline Stabilization
Progression. Simply put, are you better today than you were 30 days ago? Every workout you do must be focused on progression. Simply doing the same thing every day doesn’t make you better, it keeps you the same. Doing the same weight, the same exercises, the same number of reps… every single time… gets you nowhere. […]
How To: 3 Steps to Assessing Your Game
We know already that the more lean you are, the more flexible you can get. These things can only help you develop a better, more consistent swing. But it’s still possible to consistently under-perform in thearea of distance even if your swing is good. Even if it’s perfect. Even if it’s perfect every time. It’s a […]
Try this before your workouts AND after traveling.. (Golf Travel Series)
I believe in order to win you over as a customer, I need to show you the goods.. I admit I’m not like most of the other golf fitness guys out there. I’m just like you, skeptical.. You should be.. I see all kinds of crazy things out there being promoted that won’t do anything […]
Don’t let this happen to you.. (important)
This week I’m in Las Vegas on a business trip. Staying healthy on the road can be tough – especially in Las Vegas. Later this week I’ve got travel tips on eating well and even a workout you can do in your hotel room (no equipment needed). But first, this past Tuesday would have marked […]
Add this balance superset to your current workout… [Test Drive]
As promised, below you will find a balance superset workout. Chances are, you AND your swing are out of balance. In most cases, both are… especially the body. It’s easy to fix… IF, you know what you are doing. You see… I don’t expect you to believe my golf fitness system will work for you without a […]
Have you checked your balls lately?
Most golfers know that when you can maintain your balance, you have a better chance of hitting a good shot. Balance comes in many forms… A good tempo that allows you to swing the club in a good rhythm can keep you in balance. A balanced golf shoe can even help you maintain balance as […]
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