Balance 4
Is your golf body out of balance?
The driving range is my therapist. Hitting balls on the range calms me. I put on my headphones and turn on Pandora. I’m in heaven. I’m in the zone. Many people meditate – I go to the driving range. Years ago, I was no different. Hour upon hour, I honed my skills. Back then though […]
Add this balance superset to your current workout… [Test Drive]
As promised, below you will find a balance superset workout. Chances are, you AND your swing are out of balance. In most cases, both are… especially the body. It’s easy to fix… IF, you know what you are doing. You see… I don’t expect you to believe my golf fitness system will work for you without a […]
Check your balls today.. (important)
Contrary to what you might think, this won’t require a visit to Dr. Beeper (doctor on Caddyshack). Today, we are going to find the balls in our bag that are perfectly round and those that aren’t. Most balls are good. Despite huge manufacturing improvements over the years… balls still aren’t perfect. We know how a ball with mud on […]
Have you checked your balls lately?
Most golfers know that when you can maintain your balance, you have a better chance of hitting a good shot. Balance comes in many forms… A good tempo that allows you to swing the club in a good rhythm can keep you in balance. A balanced golf shoe can even help you maintain balance as […]
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