Over 40? The #1 thing you must do to play better
I remember the last time I played competitive football. The last game. The last play. The final seconds as they ticked off the clock. The tears in my eyes and all of the guys on the field on both sides whose day ended the same.. there was no professional career. The game was over. We […]
5 Reasons Golfers Should Foam Roll
Let’s assume you haven’t done any type of stretching, mobility, or foam rolling recently. If you haven’t, you are probably suffering from overly tight muscles, muscles imbalances, and most likely low back and/or shoulder pain. Common remedies most golfers choose are ibuprofen, chiropractor, or avoiding the game. If you go to a doctor, their advice […]
5 Reasons Short Training Sessions Are Better
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It’s time you kicked crunches and sit-ups to the curb
It’s never surprising to see people that think they are training their core correctly when they may be doing more harm than good. I’m here to teach you how to build your core in a progressive manner, and give you the foundation of building a powerful, stable, and consistent golf swing. Be sure to check out the amazing […]
The BEST Cardio for Fat Loss (print this out)
After college I made big mistakes in cardio. I would go for long stretches of cardio on a treadmill or exercise bike thinking it was the best way to stay fit. Instead, my muscles started to disappear and I eventually got bored and stopped working out altogether. Fortunately, I realized the problem shortly after, stopped the endless hours of boring […]
try this workout today (ring your fitness bell)
According to researchers at the University of North Texas, kettlebells showed a major boost in both testosterone and growth hormone levels. As we age, we need to do all we can to keep our testosterone and growth hormones in optimal ranges. The researchers measured guys who did just six total minutes of kettlebell swings. The kettlebell swing […]
Interview with Kettlebell Legend Michael Skogg
Yesterday, we discussed using kettlebells in your golf training. Kettlebells have many benefits for golfers, and to be honest, they haven’t been used by many of the top golf fitness instructors. That’s about to change… in fact, today we interview Michael Skogg, kettlebell expert and founder of the Skogg Method. He’s created a short circuit […]
Hit the ball farther with this 300 year old workout tool?
This is a big week, it’s “Kettlebell Week“. I’ve got a surprise interview for you tomorrow from a pioneer of the kettlebell here in the US. In fact, he even has his own DVD series as well as Virtual Training website. Stay tuned. Also this week… a circuit designed by our guest interviewee that you […]
7 step detox diet (print this out)
It’s about that time of year. This is when folks slowly start dropping off from their workout program, or cheating on their diet. And for a lot of folks, weekend eating – particularly SuperBowl weekend eating – is to blame. When some folks binge eat, they go looking for a “detox diet”, thinking that will […]
Supplements: Which To Take (If Any)
I‘m asked almost daily what supplements I recommend. While I’m not nutritional expert, I do a lot of research and have found some that work for me. Everything listed on this page I personally use and like. The quality is the most important aspect to me, so these supplements are higher grade than most on […]
Do you have an all upper body swing?
Today’s article is courtesy of Golf Fitness Expert Susan Hill. It was quite a few years back when I first read one of David Leadbetter’s popular books, Faults and Fixes. I was fascinated with the idea of cause and effect. However, I never put it into practice, atleast on the physical side, until I started […]
Interview with BombTech Golf CEO Sully
Can you believe it? 2014 is already here and technology seems to be growing by leaps and bounds in everything around us. Computers now fit in our pockets and persimmon woods seem as ancient as Stonehenge. Technology has been great for golfers and made the game more enjoyable for amateurs around the world. One such […]
The SECRET formula of scratch golfers.. (+ an exercise to try)
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We talkin’ bout practice! Who needs it?
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This golf fitness blog is about one thing… helping you get the lowest score possible with the added benefits of more distance, lower putts per round, and most importantly reduction of painful golf related injuries. You’ll discover cutting edge fitness workouts, the latest scientific research, tactics, and ideas for achieving the lowest score possible for your golf game […]
Single Dumbbell or Kettlebell? try this…
Yesterday, it was 91 degrees here in Oklahoma. I decided I would do my workout in the sun, shirt off, and let the sweat roll… It felt great! At the end, I was on the ground in a pool of sweat. Considering the stress of events we’re going through, it’s just what the doctor ordered. […]
Are bodyweight workouts as good as weight workouts?
Many of my golfers lost access to gyms… and by direct result their dumbbells, bars, kettlebells, and cardio equipment. So I did a little research to find out if bodyweight was as good as weight training? And wouldn’t you know it, the Mayo Clinic claims that it indeed is… but it really comes down to […]
Bodyweight Workout for You to Do
I know that many people are stuck at home without a gym to train at. And I want to help. So I wrote up a bodyweight workout for you to get started on. The workouts in the Get Golf Fit Academy are already designed with home gyms in mind, and I recently added brand NEW […]
How to Split the Fairway With Your First Drive of the Season
I think we can all agree that one of the worst things about golf is coming back from an extended layoff… whether it be from an injury, winter weather, work, or whatever… it just plain sucks to come back and look at that scorecard the first month of being back. The cool thing is, I’ve […]
top 7 workout and nutrition mistakes
I’ve mentioned how I’ve evolved over the years, upgrading my training and nutrition by MINIMIZING. And I’ve also tried every workout under the sun… as well as getting certified with many different PT models. Most of them have been useless… and for golf, we need a different approach than traditional workouts offer. However, many different […]
Kettlebell Afterburner #001
A few years ago in San Diego, while attending my friend Craig Ballantyne’s fitness conference, I discovered the pot of gold at the end of the fat-burning rainbow. I was sitting in the back of the room when a speaker came up and blew my mind. I had been researching methods for burning unwanted bodyweight, […]
How to Choose the Right Weight for Each Exercise
Progression is key to getting stronger, more flexible, or shedding unwanted pounds. If you want to drop weight and gain power, you do it through the principle of progression. Progression is generally handled by the load when it comes to our purposes of exercise. Load = weight It can also be the number of reps […]
Tap In Challenge Primer
If you struggle around the green with your chipping and short pitches, the Tap In Challenge will coach you to more confidence and more consistency. My students (on average) reduce their proximity to the hole by 2 feet 3 inches (HUGE). My students also (on average) reduce their putts per round by 3.4 strokes… BIG […]
5 stretches for more distance, less pain, and lower scores