Yesterdays blog post revealed the #1 secret for gaining more distance, translation training. Translation Training is the art of mimicking movement in a golf swing to increase strength, power, stability, and stamina.
By copying these movements in our golf fitness workouts, we are able to deliver much better results on the golf course. The science behind it is long and boring and I could explain lots of little reports I’ve read and research results… but why bother.. I’ve designed a basic golf fitness workout based on all that boring science.
In fact, I almost fell asleep typing all that nonsense above.
I bet you’re asking what you should be doing in your workouts to add distance.
First let’s recap a bit from the previous blog article… We know that bodybuilder training doesn’t translate well to golf. In fact, it can do more harm than good by creating overly powerful (I don’t think overly is a word is it?) muscle groups that wreck your kinetic chain.
Since our goal is more yardage, I have devised the following circuit workout..
To gain full advantage (and add distance) you need to perform this in consecutive movement, only taking a break at the end of the circuit. By performing the moves in a rapid fire method (called a superset) you are building your stamina as well as your stability and power.
Equipment needed: Human, Golf Club, Medicine Ball (5-10 pounds or a chihuahua or shitzhu), Exercise Mat
Golf Fitness Distance Workout A
Perform each exercise consecutively. Then take a 60 second rest break and hydrate and perform one more time. This workout can be performed three times a week on non-consecutive days.
- Inch Worms with Upward Dog x 5
- Kneeling Splits Stance Club Rotation and Lift x 8 each side (golf club required or small child)
- Yoga Table (this is great for protecting your wrists) x 20
- Prisoner Squats x 30 (slow and steady, perfect form)
- Lunges with Rotating Medicine Ball x 15 each leg (rotate deeper in to the lunge)
- Full Body Medicine Ball Rotation x 15 each side
- Med Ball Wood Chops x 30 seconds each side (make sure you have a good place to throw down!)
- Chair Pose x 45 seconds (do without the weights, this will help your low back)
- Rest 60 seconds and repeat
This workout gives you a bit of everything: dynamic warmup, power, stability, and joint mobility. The key isn’t just adding power moves, but adding flexibility and balance as well to the mix.
It’s important to realize that you need to change your workouts every 3-4 weeks as your body will adapt and stop progressing.
This program might take some getting used to and you might stumble and you might fall. That’s ok and it means you aren’t as good as you can be. So take time and master these movements with good balance and you will find your golf game improving.
If this is your first time working out, you might run in to some soreness the next day or two after.
To your golf fitness,