Free Golf Workout 9
Top 10 Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving (plus a workout)
This week you’re going to get an amazing “Top Ten Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving“. But first, I have a special announcement to make concerning my annual Toys for Tots Drive. Last year, thanks to you, we raised over $1000 for Toys for Tots. My goal this year is $3,000. Here’s some of the haul we brought in last year […]
Burn 20 calories per minute with this ODD workout method (workout included)
I hope you enjoyed the workout I delivered to you yesterday… it’s a toughie using just a kettlebell and your own bodyweight. I did it myself yesterday morning and managed to make it 16 minutes before having to give in and stop. Based on the research from the American Council on Exercise, I burned a total of 320 […]
8-minute workout PROVEN 4X better than 30-minutes of cardio
I did this short workout in my home gym yesterday. Even though it was just 67 degrees Fahrenheit in there, sweat was pouring off me after just a few minutes. The key repeating exercise I built in has to be the best one of all time… In fact, it’s the best conditioning move you can do… […]
How the “Busy Trap” is Sucking Strokes Off Your Game
All of us are “busy.” Recently, I’ve heard from some potential clients who asked how long the workouts take and that they think they might be too busy to spend the amount of time it takes to force a change within their bodies, and their minds. It’s time we all get over the “too busy” lie […]
The BEST Full Swing Balance Drill (plus balance workout)
A few years ago my game had gone to hell and I was at the end of my rope. Brent, “The Golf Whisperer” took me under his wing and taught me one drill that changed my game forever. After just a few shots on the practice range, Brent zeroed in on my biggest problem… Balance. I was […]
Add this balance superset to your current workout… [Test Drive]
As promised, below you will find a balance superset workout. Chances are, you AND your swing are out of balance. In most cases, both are… especially the body. It’s easy to fix… IF, you know what you are doing. You see… I don’t expect you to believe my golf fitness system will work for you without a […]
Have you checked your balls lately?
Most golfers know that when you can maintain your balance, you have a better chance of hitting a good shot. Balance comes in many forms… A good tempo that allows you to swing the club in a good rhythm can keep you in balance. A balanced golf shoe can even help you maintain balance as […]
Let me introduce myself…
This week is loaded with a ton of tips, drills, a balance workout, and even an equipment review that – when all used together – will get your game in balance. Most golfers overlook balance. Balance is the cornerstone we build our fitness foundation on. Without balance – we can’t use the power we create […]
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