A few years ago in San Diego, while attending my friend Craig Ballantyne’s fitness conference, I discovered the pot of gold at the end of the fat-burning rainbow. I was sitting in the back of the room when a speaker came up and blew my mind.
I had been researching methods for burning unwanted bodyweight, increasing endurance, while at the same time increasing golf strength and power.
The holy grail so to speak…
The speaker explained a research study which created an ‘afterburn’ affect – that lasted 24 to 48 hours after the exercises were completed… and increased endurance… a nice little bonus in addition to shedding unwanted pounds.
The study went like this:
• Ten women did two different workouts with weights.
• In one workout, they did a heavier weight, getting just 8 reps per set (close to failure by the last rep).
• In a second workout, they used lighter weights and hit 12 to 15 reps per set.
The researchers found that the 8 repetition (heavier) workout allowed the women to have a greater AFTERBURN – that’s the increase in calorie burn and fat incineration that occurs AFTER the resistance exercises you find in all of my golf specific workout programs.
Afterburn is pretty awesome, lasts for 8 to 24 hours, and builds your endurance. And when you build in golf specific exercises – you see performance increases on the golf course.
How about you try it for yourself?
A real-life Guinea Pig… testing the researchers method.Here’s a sample circuit you can use as a complete workout (just complete 3 to 4 circuits with a weight that allows you to struggle to complete it by rep 8)…
I present you with Kettlebell Afterburn #1 (based on the original from Core to Score)…
Pick a weight that is difficult to reach 8 reps for each of the exercises below. This must be relatively heavy and you must use good form. If you are swinging the weight around like a chimp moving from vine to vine you are using too much weight.
Start at 3 rounds, work your way up to 5 rounds. Do this instead of your regular workout if you wish. 5 rounds should take you about 24-30 minutes depending on your rest breaks. I’m not asking you to push the rest breaks shorter as we are going heavy, it’s ok to rest up to 5 minutes between circuits. I want you to be able to complete each rep with perfection.
When you get sloppy, the game is over.
The Kettlebell Afterburn Circuit
1) KB Goblet Squat x 8 reps
2) Alternating KB Row x 8 reps (8 per side)
3) Two-Handed KB Swing x 8 reps
4) Alternating KB Chest Press (alternating arms like the piston of an engine) x 8 reps (8 per side)
– Do each exercise for 8 reps and rest 20 seconds before proceeding to the next exercise in the circuit.
– For muscle building, repeat this circuit up to 4 times more and rest up to 5 minutes at the end of each circuit.
Be sure to leave a comment AFTER you complete this workout and let me know what you think!
And if you want a full 90-day system based on the same principle as mentioned above, you can grab a copy of Core to Score and start seeing performance increases in as little as a week.
Fairways and greens,
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs
Director of Performance
“Don’t Wait For Luck – Golf Aggressive“
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