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Single Dumbbell or Kettlebell? try this…
Yesterday, it was 91 degrees here in Oklahoma. I decided I would do my workout in the sun, shirt off, and let the sweat roll… It felt great! At the end, I was on the ground in a pool of sweat. Considering the stress of events we’re going through, it’s just what the doctor ordered. […]
Are bodyweight workouts as good as weight workouts?
Many of my golfers lost access to gyms… and by direct result their dumbbells, bars, kettlebells, and cardio equipment. So I did a little research to find out if bodyweight was as good as weight training? And wouldn’t you know it, the Mayo Clinic claims that it indeed is… but it really comes down to […]
Bodyweight Workout for You to Do
I know that many people are stuck at home without a gym to train at. And I want to help. So I wrote up a bodyweight workout for you to get started on. The workouts in the Get Golf Fit Academy are already designed with home gyms in mind, and I recently added brand NEW […]
How to Split the Fairway With Your First Drive of the Season
I think we can all agree that one of the worst things about golf is coming back from an extended layoff… whether it be from an injury, winter weather, work, or whatever… it just plain sucks to come back and look at that scorecard the first month of being back. The cool thing is, I’ve […]
top 7 workout and nutrition mistakes
I’ve mentioned how I’ve evolved over the years, upgrading my training and nutrition by MINIMIZING. And I’ve also tried every workout under the sun… as well as getting certified with many different PT models. Most of them have been useless… and for golf, we need a different approach than traditional workouts offer. However, many different […]
Kettlebell Afterburner #001
A few years ago in San Diego, while attending my friend Craig Ballantyne’s fitness conference, I discovered the pot of gold at the end of the fat-burning rainbow. I was sitting in the back of the room when a speaker came up and blew my mind. I had been researching methods for burning unwanted bodyweight, […]
Tap In Challenge Primer
If you struggle around the green with your chipping and short pitches, the Tap In Challenge will coach you to more confidence and more consistency. My students (on average) reduce their proximity to the hole by 2 feet 3 inches (HUGE). My students also (on average) reduce their putts per round by 3.4 strokes… BIG […]
What I Learned from Tiger Woods
As you know, Tiger Woods completed one of the greatest comebacks in the modern history of sport Sunday afternoon. After falling from grace and suffering through many injuries… and even a DUI… he seems to finally have put back all the pieces. Now, I don’t know for sure if he’s fixed his relationships… but he’s […]
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