Earlier this week, I talked about a strategy you can use to beat your buddies during league matches, gambling games, and even outdrive your playing partners.
This is the same strategy that the top players use to compete…
…one your competition is too lazy to do…
…one your competition refuses to do…
…one that is simple, effective, easy to execute.
I’ve even put together a PDF you can download TOMORROW so you can put this strategy into action this weekend.
Heck, this is the process ALL SUCCESSFUL people use. I’m betting you already used this process at some point in your life (done-for-you by someone else).
I’ll reveal the concept below and the full method tomorrow… but first, here’s a real life example of this process in action.
You may have seen on our Facebook page, our good friend and client Donnie Parker used this same exact method to quality for the Re/Max Long Drivers World Championships.
Back in May, Donnie bought the 30 Yards or More in 30 Days or Less System. Donnie did his due diligence though and took his time in deciding if the program was right for him. Deep down, he knew he needed an edge.
He had emailed me in early February asking me the following question:
I answered his question with a question (sneaky Jedi mind trick I use):
Donnie admitted he wasn’t in the best shape possible. Then, just the other day. Donnie emailed again and mentioned he had just qualified for the Re/Max World Long Drive Championships. He even made it on his local news!
This brought a huge smile to my face
I can’t and won’t take all the credit. Donnie has an AMAZING wife. She showed him the encouragement and belief that he could do this.
With her support and a plan… Donnie went to work.
Donnie worked for two months using the 30 Yards system… He did the stuff his competition refuses to do.
I’ll be honest and admit that the guys at the TOP are willing to do these things. Donnie is going to compete against the best of the best soon. These guys will all have their A-Game rolling.
However, my money is on Donnie… I plan on attending the championships on Vegas to cheer him on.
The method?
Advanced Goal Setting. Let me explain.
Most golfers already know what they want to achieve with their golf game…
– Outdrive buddies on the weekend
– Win head-to-head league matches
– Get fit to be more competitive
The good news is, you can achieve all of these goals, fairly easy.
“Goals are just dreams until you develop a plan and take action.” – me
I’ve found that most people live in the dream world. They talk about doing great things, but never develop a map of how to get there. Worse, they never take action.
Maybe they are just overwhelmed?
-To outdrive your buddies, you need to know how you are going to get there.
-To beat your buddies head-to-head, that’s going to require some planning.
-To become more fit so you are more competitive, again, a road map is needed.
Action must be taken.
Your homework for tonight is to day dream about your goals…ask yourself the following questions.
Where are you currently?
Where do you want to go?
Tomorrow I’ll give you a system that makes reaching goals extremely easy and way LESS overwhelming.
Think of this method as the “easy button”.
Christian Henning, NASM-CPT, gfs, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Tomorrow I’ll give you a downloadable PDF to make achieving goals easier than ever.
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