Flexibility 3
How to Choose the Right Weight for Each Exercise
Progression is key to getting stronger, more flexible, or shedding unwanted pounds. If you want to drop weight and gain power, you do it through the principle of progression. Progression is generally handled by the load when it comes to our purposes of exercise. Load = weight It can also be the number of reps […]
3 post-round stretches for your lower back
post-round stretches for your lower back A round of golf is often enjoyable, but for many golfers lower back pain creeps in on the back nine. A good afternoon turns in to a struggle to finish your round. Even worse, low back discomfort will disrupt your consistency and ultimately drive your score up. I call […]
Try My “Post Round” Stretch After Your Next Round
Do these 10 stretches and you’ll feel brand new… all designed to help loosen you up after a long day on the course or at work. This “Post Round” Stretch Routine will be part of my new C-4 program when it comes out next month. I wanted to share it with you now and get […]
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