Add this balance superset to your current workout… [Test Drive]
As promised, below you will find a balance superset workout. Chances are, you AND your swing are out of balance. In most cases, both are… especially the body. It’s easy to fix… IF, you know what you are doing. You see… I don’t expect you to believe my golf fitness system will work for you without a […]
Try this balance drill at the range…
Ever see that guy on the range swinging for the fences like he’s at Wrigley Field? You know the one.. the guy who falls over sideways… takes a few steps… … or has to correct his balance with a weird wiggle so he doesn’t fall on his face. Fortunately for you, I’ve been that guy. Man, I didn’t […]
Check your balls today.. (important)
Contrary to what you might think, this won’t require a visit to Dr. Beeper (doctor on Caddyshack). Today, we are going to find the balls in our bag that are perfectly round and those that aren’t. Most balls are good. Despite huge manufacturing improvements over the years… balls still aren’t perfect. We know how a ball with mud on […]
Have you checked your balls lately?
Most golfers know that when you can maintain your balance, you have a better chance of hitting a good shot. Balance comes in many forms… A good tempo that allows you to swing the club in a good rhythm can keep you in balance. A balanced golf shoe can even help you maintain balance as […]
Let me introduce myself…
This week is loaded with a ton of tips, drills, a balance workout, and even an equipment review that – when all used together – will get your game in balance. Most golfers overlook balance. Balance is the cornerstone we build our fitness foundation on. Without balance – we can’t use the power we create […]
Interview with Ian Hart: How To Fix Low Back Pain For Golfers
All golfers experience low back pain from time to time. For most of us, the pain isn’t serious and can be resolved with a routine exercise program. Recently, I asked all of the family of Twitter followers (@GetFitForGolf) if they had any back injury problems. Fortunately, we do have a few followers out there and […]
4 Simple Tactics Any Golfer Can Use to Gain 30 Yards or More
Attention Golfers.. Free Limited Time Report Reveals… 4 Simple Tactics That Any Golfer Can Add To Their Workouts To Increase Their Drives By 30 Yards Or More! From: Chris Henning Saturday, May 26, 2012 Hi my name is Chris and I have a free report I’d like to send you. If you’re already on tour […]
Preventing Injuries During the Golden Years of Golf
Golf is a unique sport in that it is actually more appealing to us as players as we get older. You don’t see too many rugby leagues for folks in their Golden Years, but older golfers do represent one of the fastest growing segments of the golfing population. There are about six million U.S. golfers […]
5 stretches for more distance, less pain, and lower scores