Golf Instruction 3
Lessons from the UT Open (59!)…
Over the next few days I’m going to share some lessons learned at the annual UT Open. I’m confident these lessons will help you lower your scores. First of all, you may be wondering what the UT Open is. It’s a typical guy’s golf weekend. I’m a graduate of the University of Tennessee and for […]
Do your putts consistently miss left or right? (putting drill)…
If you consistently miss putts to the left or right, there could be a simple fix to help you sink more putts. The most likely culprit is alignment. If you’re aimed a bit too far right or left, you’ll consistently miss left or right even if you stroke the perfect putt. To check your alignment, […]
The reality of putting (how the tour pro’s putt)
The reality of putting? It makes up to 40 to 50 percent of our scores. Keep reading and I’ll tell you how you can reduce that percentage by implementing tools the pro’s on tour use. A few weeks ago, I was able to play golf in Las Vegas at Bear’s Best. Bear’s Best is a […]
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