Golf Fitness 93
Free Golf Fitness Workout for Longer Drives
Yesterdays blog post revealed the #1 secret for gaining more distance, translation training. Translation Training is the art of mimicking movement in a golf swing to increase strength, power, stability, and stamina. By copying these movements in our golf fitness workouts, we are able to deliver much better results on the golf course. The science behind […]
Secrets Employed By Top PGA Pro’s For Added Distance
Now, you probably already know that you should be exercising more by lifting weights, doing cardio, and stretching. What you probably didn’t know is how you combine these components can and will have a profound effect on your body’s response to creating power, flexibility and therefore your driving distance. First, you need to know what NOT to […]
The 6 Best Dynamic Warmup Exercises for Golf
Stop being a loser. Be a winner. Skipping a dynamic warmup before your round is a big mistake and will lead you down the path to the poor house. Your buddies will love seeing you arrive at the course for their ‘free lunch’. I should know, I’ve been the benefactor of many a free lunch […]
15-minute Dynamic Warm-Up for Maximal Golf Performance
I am often asked by golfers, "What should I do to warm-up before a round?" The warm-up should have one focus point - to raise your core temperature. By raising your body’s temperature you will warm up the muscles and make them more pliable. This warm-up consists of first warming up your body to be […]
This golf fitness blog is about one thing… helping you get the lowest score possible with the added benefits of more distance, lower putts per round, and most importantly reduction of painful golf related injuries. You’ll discover cutting edge fitness workouts, the latest scientific research, tactics, and ideas for achieving the lowest score possible for your golf game […]
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