Exercises For Golf 33
Improve Your Golf Fitness Foundation With These 4 Simple Stretches
I can’t help but compare the human body to a home. Some homes are broken down and neglected. The owners never mow their yard, leave junk out in front, and never fix broken fixtures. They either think they don’t have enough time or simply do not even notice that their house is in disrepair. Whatever […]
Welcome to My Garden
Golf Fitness and adding yards to my golf game reminds me of when I first tried to grow my own food. I had always wanted to be totally self-sufficient, and I figured that growing my own food would be the way to go. But I didn’t know the first thing about gardening, and I didn’t […]
All Hot Golfers Get “Warm” First!
Long thought of as a “cushy” pastime, golf actually causes an alarmingly high number of injuries. During the golf swing, our muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints are stressed to near full capacity as we accelerate the golf club head to nearly one hundred miles per hour in less than half a second. In fact, the […]
Missing a two-foot putt is not the most painful part of golf!
Contrary to popular belief, golf is not a cushy pastime. Until I began to play golf myself several years ago, I never really appreciated how hard golf can be on a person’s body. Watching professionals play so well with so little visible effort on television is misleading: The true rigors of the game are not […]
Conditioning and Preventive Exercises for Golf
Have you ever overheard someone in the clubhouse locker room say “I don’t work out because if I bulk up too much I’ll lose my flexibility and my golf swing will suffer”? Or, how about “I play golf so often I don’t need extra conditioning”? Personally, I was never clever enough to come up with […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Golf
One of the most common clinical problems I see in my orthopedic practice is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). I’m sure you or someone you know has suffered from CTS. In the United States alone, well over 100,000 people a year undergo carpal tunnel surgery. For such a common disorder, it’s amazing that doctors have so […]
3 Most Common Golf Injuries and Avoiding Them
Injuries happen from time to time. Sometimes they happen on the golf course, sometimes they happen at work, sometimes they happen playing pick-up basketball. Whatever the activity, one thing is certain – being in the best physical condition you can be in will help prevent a lot of injuries. An injury can absolutely devastate your […]
Tiger Woods Achilles Is His Own Achilles
Competitors have been looking for Tiger Woods’ Achilles Heel for over a decade. They have now found it. His weakness is actually his own Achilles. Perhaps the Greeks will rename Achilles to ‘Tiger’. Just this past Sunday during the final round of the World Golf Championships – Cadillac Championship, Tiger Woods hit a monster 321 […]
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