Recovery 6
Over 40? The #1 thing you must do to play better
I remember the last time I played competitive football. The last game. The last play. The final seconds as they ticked off the clock. The tears in my eyes and all of the guys on the field on both sides whose day ended the same.. there was no professional career. The game was over. We […]
5 Reasons Golfers Should Foam Roll
Let’s assume you haven’t done any type of stretching, mobility, or foam rolling recently. If you haven’t, you are probably suffering from overly tight muscles, muscles imbalances, and most likely low back and/or shoulder pain. Common remedies most golfers choose are ibuprofen, chiropractor, or avoiding the game. If you go to a doctor, their advice […]
7 step detox diet (print this out)
It’s about that time of year. This is when folks slowly start dropping off from their workout program, or cheating on their diet. And for a lot of folks, weekend eating – particularly SuperBowl weekend eating – is to blame. When some folks binge eat, they go looking for a “detox diet”, thinking that will […]
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