The BEST Cardio for Fat Loss (print this out)
After college I made big mistakes in cardio. I would go for long stretches of cardio on a treadmill or exercise bike thinking it was the best way to stay fit. Instead, my muscles started to disappear and I eventually got bored and stopped working out altogether. Fortunately, I realized the problem shortly after, stopped the endless hours of boring […]
try this workout today (ring your fitness bell)
According to researchers at the University of North Texas, kettlebells showed a major boost in both testosterone and growth hormone levels. As we age, we need to do all we can to keep our testosterone and growth hormones in optimal ranges. The researchers measured guys who did just six total minutes of kettlebell swings. The kettlebell swing […]
[PRW] The Pre-Round Warm Up
The golf swing is an explosive movement where an average golfer uses over 90% of their TOTAL strength during one shot! How can you expect to be prepared for such an athletic event if you DON’T warm up? There is a tremendous amount of power used to propel the golf club forward on the downswing […]
Interview with Kettlebell Legend Michael Skogg
Yesterday, we discussed using kettlebells in your golf training. Kettlebells have many benefits for golfers, and to be honest, they haven’t been used by many of the top golf fitness instructors. That’s about to change… in fact, today we interview Michael Skogg, kettlebell expert and founder of the Skogg Method. He’s created a short circuit […]
Hit the ball farther with this 300 year old workout tool?
This is a big week, it’s “Kettlebell Week“. I’ve got a surprise interview for you tomorrow from a pioneer of the kettlebell here in the US. In fact, he even has his own DVD series as well as Virtual Training website. Stay tuned. Also this week… a circuit designed by our guest interviewee that you […]
7 step detox diet (print this out)
It’s about that time of year. This is when folks slowly start dropping off from their workout program, or cheating on their diet. And for a lot of folks, weekend eating – particularly SuperBowl weekend eating – is to blame. When some folks binge eat, they go looking for a “detox diet”, thinking that will […]
Supplements: Which To Take (If Any)
I‘m asked almost daily what supplements I recommend. While I’m not nutritional expert, I do a lot of research and have found some that work for me. Everything listed on this page I personally use and like. The quality is the most important aspect to me, so these supplements are higher grade than most on […]
5 stretches for more distance, less pain, and lower scores