[Print this out] 10 in 4 Challenge Grocery List
The 10 in 4 Diet that I outlined yesterday won’t be hard for me or you… … because, we are in this together. I’ll do my best to provide you with ALL the information you need to succeed. A complete grocery list is listed below… Getting organized and motivated won’t be a problem either, because… we are keeping things extremely simple. […]
10 in 4 Challenge (is this diet too hard for you?)
A few weeks ago, I started a new personal challenge. Lose 10 pounds of fat in 4 weeks. Losing fat has always been tough for me… my body gets set at a certain weight and fights like hell to stay there. When I lost 40 pounds, the process took years… … it’s true, and the slow process helped shape […]
Be like a freakin’ MISSILE (how to get back on track)
Happy Monday. Monday Mentality that is. 😉 I hope you enjoyed the long weekend (to those of you here in the US) and were able to spend time with your friends and family. More importantly, I hope you PLAYED golf. Even though I was super busy, I was able to fit in a couple of awesome workouts (Shed […]
My success so far and how you can duplicate it…
“As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round.” – Ben Hogan It’s time you and I walk the walk, TOGETHER. That’s why I issued a public challenge Monday. Lose 10 pounds of FAT in 4 weeks. Further down, I’ll update you with my progress […]
3-Steps for Taking Action
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain Starting a new workout, taking golf lessons (everyone needs to be doing this by the way if you can afford it), starting a new business, moving across the country for […]
Do you train early in the morning? (performance tips inside)
Are you a morning person? I’m not a morning person. If I could stay up until 3AM every night that would be fine by me. However, some people get up really, really early.. My friend Craig gets up at 4AM every day and works. Back in college, I used to workout at 10PM every night […]
#1 food ingredient killing you dead (and making you fat)
On my personal Facebook page, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about “toxic” chemicals in our food supply that the government has OK’d to not be included on labels… Basically, hidden chemicals that are not reported on labels. I’m always skeptical of Facebook posts, but this one really caught my eye. After doing a […]
Is your golf body out of balance?
The driving range is my therapist. Hitting balls on the range calms me. I put on my headphones and turn on Pandora. I’m in heaven. I’m in the zone. Many people meditate – I go to the driving range. Years ago, I was no different. Hour upon hour, I honed my skills. Back then though […]
5 stretches for more distance, less pain, and lower scores