Motivation 3
Be like a freakin’ MISSILE (how to get back on track)
Happy Monday. Monday Mentality that is. 😉 I hope you enjoyed the long weekend (to those of you here in the US) and were able to spend time with your friends and family. More importantly, I hope you PLAYED golf. Even though I was super busy, I was able to fit in a couple of awesome workouts (Shed […]
watch this video (how to battle fear and doubt)
Ever wanted the determination, drive, and skill that Tiger Woods possesses? Wondered what goes through his mind every single day? Wondered how he fought back from an onslaught of haters and self imposed trauma? I think this video sums it up, and is a lesson for anyone who wants to achieve their goals. Even if you […]
bittersweet personal note (pics attached)
Today’s article has nothing to do with golf fitness, and EVERYTHING to do with your golf fitness. Confused? Sometimes we all face rough times… and I hope this email gives you the strength to face any obstacles you have in life or your golf fitness goals. I really want you to succeed, but I know […]
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