Exercises For Golfers 5
try this workout today (ring your fitness bell)
According to researchers at the University of North Texas, kettlebells showed a major boost in both testosterone and growth hormone levels. As we age, we need to do all we can to keep our testosterone and growth hormones in optimal ranges. The researchers measured guys who did just six total minutes of kettlebell swings. The kettlebell swing […]
Top 10 Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving (plus a workout)
This week you’re going to get an amazing “Top Ten Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving“. But first, I have a special announcement to make concerning my annual Toys for Tots Drive. Last year, thanks to you, we raised over $1000 for Toys for Tots. My goal this year is $3,000. Here’s some of the haul we brought in last year […]
The most common fault in putting (according to Jack Nicklaus)
The other day, I had the pleasure of playing golf with my good friend Richard and his old golf coach and mentor Larry Campbell, PGA. Gambling is illegal at Bushwood sir, so we were keeping it legal. That didn’t stop Larry (my cart buddy) from sneezing in the middle of my backswing on my approach to a […]
3-Steps for Taking Action
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain Starting a new workout, taking golf lessons (everyone needs to be doing this by the way if you can afford it), starting a new business, moving across the country for […]
Follow these 6 rules to lower your score….
You must start believing in yourself. End self doubt. Drop the “I’ll give this a try” mindset. Switch to an “I’m going to succeed” belief. Change your mindset, change your life for the better. NOW is the time, you CAN do it. Setting goals and outlining a blueprint to lower your golf score is our […]
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