Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Golf
One of the most common clinical problems I see in my orthopedic practice is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). I’m sure you or someone you know has suffered from CTS. In the United States alone, well over 100,000 people a year undergo carpal tunnel surgery. For such a common disorder, it’s amazing that doctors have so […]
How Golf Has Increased My Income
Growing up I wasn’t what you would call rich or poor. My family provided food on the table and had enough money to take small vacations and buy a few luxuries. However, by the standards of the town I lived in, we were considered poor by everyone else. The affluence of the town I lived […]
3 Most Common Golf Injuries and Avoiding Them
Injuries happen from time to time. Sometimes they happen on the golf course, sometimes they happen at work, sometimes they happen playing pick-up basketball. Whatever the activity, one thing is certain – being in the best physical condition you can be in will help prevent a lot of injuries. An injury can absolutely devastate your […]
Tiger Woods Achilles Is His Own Achilles
Competitors have been looking for Tiger Woods’ Achilles Heel for over a decade. They have now found it. His weakness is actually his own Achilles. Perhaps the Greeks will rename Achilles to ‘Tiger’. Just this past Sunday during the final round of the World Golf Championships – Cadillac Championship, Tiger Woods hit a monster 321 […]
Interview with Sean Mysel of Cross Golf Pro’s
Hello Everyone…recently I did an interview with Sean Mysel over at Chris specializes in adding a level of physicality to your game and thus improving performance. Here’s what Chris had to say to some questions I asked him about golf fitness: Sean– Why did you start the GetGolfFit website? Chris– That’s a long story, so let’s […]
How Golf Has Increased My Income
Growing up I wasn’t what you would call rich or poor. My family provided food on the table and had enough money to take small vacations and buy a few luxuries. However, by the standards of the town I lived in, we were considered poor by everyone else. The affluence of the town I lived […]
Golf is Rotation
To golf at your top potential, it is important that your body be able to rotate every single joint through its full range of motion. If you have movement restrictions in your shoulders, pevlis, hips, you will have to compensate to get the range you need. This compensation is where your swing breaks down and […]
Improve Your Golf Game with Finishers
When golf guru Chris asked me to talk about incorporating metabolic workout finishers into golf fitness, I honestly chuckled a little bit. I imagined myself playing golf. You see, when I play golf, I actually aim to lose 30 golf balls or less on an 18-hole course. If I lose just 15 golf balls, I […]
5 stretches for more distance, less pain, and lower scores