Select Desired Bodyfat Range
Your mission, should you choose to accept it – is to ultimately obtain a Body Fat Percentage of 13 – 15% for males and 23 – 25% for females. Certainly, if you are more than 10 to 15 pounds overweight, this journey may take more than 6-weeks to complete. It could take a year or even two to hit your goals. We wish to GRADUALLY decrease bodyfat while improving our physical strength, conditioning and flexibility. Crash diets do not work! So we won’t be advocating any of that BS here.
We want to create a healthier lifestyle that will allow us to live longer… thus, play golf longer!
During our Golf Fitness Challenges, I know you will lose PURE FAT and ADD MUSCLE. The scale may not even go down much because we will be adding muscle while burning fat away. And it can be discouraging if you’ve been trained to look at a number on a scale instead of what really matters.
So how do you measure your progress?
Body fat percentage.
I encourage you to look at the following chart and set your next goal.
Once you determine your desired body fat, you will need to determine how many calories you need per day to lose fat.
The chart makes it pretty easy to see where you fall in terms of your desired outcome.

Measuring body fat percentage is easy to do with the right equipment.
And if you don’t have access to body fat calipers or a scale that measures body fat, we can use the good ole tape measure to see our progress.
When it comes down to it, I think most people would be really happy with 15% body fat. That’s a good and healthy amount of fat to carry.
I’ve devised a few rules later in this module that will help you maintain your weight or get even leaner (should you wish) than the 15% benchmark.
And while you may not hit that magical body fat percentage of 15% (or the one you have chosen). That’s ok, because this meal plan is to be used all day, every day, all year, the rest of your life... and you can extend the program indefinitely... even switching workouts back to Core to Score or Shed Pounds to Shave Strokes on your journey.
This really isn’t a diet per say as it is changing your eating habits for life.
The key to losing more fat is to make sure your following the meal templates as closely as possible and to limit the amount of starches your taking in overall.
To accelerate your fat loss or if you’re above 15% as I just mentioned before, you’ll want to limit your smart starch consumption to ONLY the first meal after your training session.
On non-training days, you will NOT take in any amounts of smart starches and if a smart starch source is listed within the meal template for that day, you will simply swap that out for a healthy fat source instead.
It’s funny to think that adding in a fat will actually help you accelerate your fat loss...
Funny but TRUE!
It also needs to be noted that if you adhere to your eating plan 90% of the time, you'll make much more progress. 90/10 is strict, but you can do it. Once you get to sub 15% bodyfat, you can look at moving back to a much more long-term ratio of 80% adherence...
In other words, EARN the right to cheat more 😉
Determine Calories Required for Fat Loss