Here’s what happens next:
You’ll get an email from me that says “Welcome To The Challenge!”.
The “From name” is me, Christian Henning. And the “From address” is chris at
It sometimes takes about 10 minutes for our system to generate your username and password – but when it does, it automatically sends the email. If you haven’t gotten it in 10 minutes or so, first – check your junk and promotions folders (you know how it is). Then – if you don’t see it, just reach out to me at the email address above.
It’s pretty rare that someone doesn’t get it – but I want to make sure you’re good to go just in case 🙂
Thanks and enjoy the 5-Day Distance Challenge!
Join the 5-day Challenge Facebook group! This is where you will get all the details for the live calls, access your downloads, and talk with your fellow challengers.
You can get instant access to day 1 RIGHT NOW.
Then, we’ll start this coming Monday at 11AM CST.
Then – every day, you’ll get a new “look over my shoulder” video and a PDF blueprint showing you exactly what to do. The entire challenge is designed to help you build your own Distance Cocktail you take to the course and the range in five days or less.
Access never expires, so you can view the trainings any time after the five days is over.